Paris, 3 June 2010
Architectural education research
UIA announces an international competiton for research papers that aims to encourage creativity in architectural education. It is organised in the framework of the reflection groups of the UIA Architectural Education Commission by the Federation of Institutes of Korean Architects (FIKA), UIA Korean Section.
This competition is open to individuals or groups of individuals holding a graduate degree from 5-or-more year programmes in architecture or urban design and architects entitled to practice in their countries of residence. It is organised exclusively on-line. The first selection will be made on a Regional basis. An international jury will make the final selection.
The research papers, of 30 000 characters maximum, will focus on teaching and learning methods in architecture; heritage and sustainability; architecture for all; cultural diversity; spatial needs; architecture and urbanism.
The international jury will award one grand prize of 1500 euros; two second prizes of 1000 euros each; three third prizes of 500 euros each and nine honourable mentions. These will be presented during the 2011 UIA Congress in Tokyo.
• Regulations posted on web site 3 June 2010
• Registration period 15 October - 30 December 2010
• Transmission of texts 1st February - 30 March 2011
• Publication of results 30 June 2011
• Presentation at UIACongress September 2011.
The competition language is English. The registration fee of 20 euros will be paid on-line, by PayPal or credit card, at the time of registering on the competition site:
Learn more about the UIA Architectural Education Commission