Placemaking: Making It Happen // Project for Public Spaces

Placemaking: Making It Happen is a new two-day training course focused on how to move ideas into reality by using a place-based management and implementation strategy. Joining PPS in teaching the course are individuals who have direct, hands-on experience in applying a placemaking approach to their work. Also included are narrated site visits to a few of the best managed spaces in New York City and numerous opportunities for networking.

Creating great public spaces that relate to the community and user depends on an effective implementation strategy, including how those spaces will be managed. In the end, good management is why a public space succeeds or fails and why people come to it or why they stay away. This training course will describe the roles that different types of public space management organizations play, complemented by lessons learned from experts with hands on experience implementing improvements and managing public spaces. Also included are narrated site visits to a few of the best managed spaces in New York City and numerous opportunities for networking, including an optional welcome reception the evening of November 2.

More information HERE.

Streets as Places // Project for Public Spaces

Streets as Places will introduce participants to new ways of thinking about streets as public spaces and how Placemaking can be used to build great streets and great communities. It is intended for anyone who is interested in creating a great street, including transportation professionals, civic and elected officials, main street managers, and citizen activists. Specific topics will include transportation and land use, community engagement, street design flexibility, transit and station planning, and how to activate street edges.

If we can develop and design streets so that they are wonderful, fulfilling places to be – community-building places, attractive for all people – then we will have successfully designed about one-third of the city directly and will have had an immense impact on the rest. - Great Streets by Alan Jacobs.

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