Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia. http://arquitectura.uach.cl/diplom1.htm
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Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia. http://arquitectura.uach.cl/diplom1.htm
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Formar alumnos con los conocimientos, habilidades tendientes a desarrollar de manera profesional, el diseño, la construcción, el manejo y la conservación de espacios abiertos en proyectos arquitectónicos, urbanísticos y diseño de espacios exteriores de la región, así como la solución de las problemáticas especificas de la revitalización y embellecimiento de las áreas abiertas; que contribuyan a la armonización de la obra arquitectónica y la elevación de calidad de vida de la comunidad.
Ver PDF del programa.
Through projects from the Nordic countries, the exhibition, MANMADE ENVIRONMENT demonstrates that landscape architecture is about so much more than aesthetics. Used strategically it can supply sustainable solutions, promote health and improve living conditions for people in both urban and rural areas. It brings attention to the importance of finding alternative, interdisciplinary planning methods; strategies that emphasize conscious use of natural resources and combine new expertise and technology with awareness of local conditions, culture and identity.
See the exhibition site HERE
The Seoul Metropolitan Government endeavors to implement a communication-and empathy-based administration with a view to growing Seoul, a UNESCO City of Design, into one of the world’s top 5 cities. As an effort to make Seoul an attractive place to visit, work, live and invest, the 2011 Public Design Competition has been organized. Your sparkling idea will contribute to establishing an enjoyable urban environment.
Development occurs in a state of flux and we must learn to design and construct an urban environment that embraces continual transition. Temporary use is the opposite of the masterplan: it starts out from context and the current condition, not from a distant goal; it seeks to use what already exists rather than inventing everything anew; it is concerned with small places and brief spans of time as well as the conditions at various points in time. Temporary uses are symptoms of an alternative understanding to urban planning, rather than leaving development to government and the economy alone, they explore an appropriation of the city.* Temporary urban landscapes therefore offer a unique opportunity for design events of limited life to exist, injecting the urban environment with playfulness, imagining possible futures that are experiential and adaptive. The Landscape Urbanism 72 Hour Urban Action Melbourne challenges teams to participate in a game plan competition that involves designing and constructing a site in response to a brief within 72 hours.
The entrants' task is to create a comprehensive ideas plan for the South harbour that can be used as a basis for the future development of the area. The competition area is the entire shore area of the South Harbour. The central location of the South Harbour, the area's cultural history and the passanger ports are essential parts of the city identity. The South Harbour is Helsinki's marine national landscape.
The competition programme and the enclosures can be downloaded as of 2 May from the competition website.